My Day Job

I work for the University of Central Florida, Department of Computer Services and Teledata, as a systems programmer. My duties include:

Systems administrator for the department's Sun/Oracle Solaris (Unix) and RedHat (Linux) servers.
Developer and maintainer of the department's Sun/Oracle JET/Jumpstart system for Sun servers.
Maintainer of a Symantec (Veritas) NetBackup 7.1 system.
Developer and maintainer of much of our group's documentation.
Formerly a systems administrator for an IBM AS/400 (9406-520) running OS/400 5.4.0
Formerly a systems administrator for an IBM ES/9000-170 mainframe running VM/ESA 2.3.0
Various other systems administration and programming tasks as my boss assigns them. I also rack mount and cable up (including making the network cables) any new Sun/Oracle hardware that comes in.

My corner of the office
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