Bear pride flag David, Eric, Chleo, and Denver Gay pride flag
About Us

Name: Eric Anderson David Biehl Chleo Denver
Nickname: VMBEAR Cub4BigBears    
Age: 45 41 1 4
Location: Oviedo (Orlando), Florida
Orientation: Gay Bear Gay Cub Cat Dog
Status: Long Term Relationship Weird

Visit David at his website:

Eric went to school at the University of Central Florida where he received a B.S. in Computer Science.

David went to school at University of Miami and Florida International University where he received a B.S. in Communications and Public Relations.

Chleo and Denver were adopted from the animal shelter in January of 2011.

More information about us can be found on the other web pages on this site.


The 'VM' part of VMBEAR is actually part of an acronym: VM/ESA, or Virtual Machine/Enterprise Systems Architecture. This is an IBM operating system that ran on the University of Central Florida's IBM mainframe. Also, the unofficial mascot for the VM/ESA operating system is the teddy bear. Since I was the system administrator for UCF's mainframe, I was nicknamed VMBEAR.

Big Blue Bertha

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